Mari's Homemade Cooking Recipes

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Mari's Homemade Cooking Recipes

How to Make Tebasaki no Amakara-ni (Chicken wings with sweet soy sauce)

Ingredients: (3 servings)

  • 450 g of chicken wings (about 9 pieces)(手羽先 tebasaki)
  • 2 tbsp of soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp of mirin
  • 2 tbsp of sake
  • 1.5 tbsp of sugar
  • Potato starch (片栗粉 katakuri-ko)(amount depends on the chicken wings)
  • Vegetable oil (サラダ油 saladabura) (amount depends on size of pan)
  • White roasted sesame seeds (白ごま shiro-goma)


Step 1:
Toss the chicken wings in the potato starch



Step 2:
Heat the vegetable oil in a pan, add the coated chicken wings and fry for a few minutes on each side. 



Step 3:
Mix all the ingredients marked as (A) in another pan and place on a medium heat. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the chicken wings to the pan and simmer until all the chicken is thoroughly cooked.



Step 4:
Remove from the heat and serve. For an extra touch, add roasted white sesame seeds as a garnish.



The complete article can be found in Issue #276 of the Tokyo Journal. Click here to order from Amazon.


Written By:

Mari Nameshida

Tokyo Journal columnist Mari Nameshida is a Japanese cooking instructor, Chinese herbal medicine advisor, Registered Nurse, and a food lover. It is her hope that through her Cooking with Mari classes, her blog and this column that people from around the world will gain a better understanding of Japanese culture through gaining an appreciation of Japanese food.


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