Life is like a Festival

Try no matter what happens. Move forward without looking away

Life is like a Festival

I was born in Kishiwada, Osaka, a town surrounding the Kishiwada Castle. It is known for its Danjiri Matsuri Cart-Pulling Festival held the third weekend of September and attracting some 600,000 visitors. The 310-year-old festival has become exceedingly dangerous.

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved hearing the pipes, drums and the loud “So-rya, So-rya” chanting of the festival. I joined the float pullers between my fourth year of primary school and second year of high school. It was the big event of the year for me.

Another momentous occasion for me was the Paris Collection, which I produced for 22 years from 1978 to 2000.

The Danjiri festival and the fashion shows have things in common: the momentary silence before the beginning and the binding of everything together with a single rope running toward a goal like the wind.

This unification is characteristic of Japanese power, which we can be proud of.

I believe my experiences in the festival made it possible for me to create a Japanese dynamic impression in performances such as the fireworks designs in Okinawa and the costume design of “Tao,” a wadaiko performance group.

Unfortunately, Japan has neglected its traditions and culture while absorbing Western ones. We have to go back to the basics with“Danjiri soul” as one team.

Life is like a Danjiri Cart-Pulling Festival. Collision, helping each other and silence. After reading a series of my columns about daily life and encounters, somebody said,“Ms. Koshino, everything is a festival, isn’t it?” I realized that philosophy underlies my way of life.

Life is precious.“You can’t go to the island on the other side of the river by just looking at it.” Try no matter what happens. Move forward without looking away. By doing so, we can develop power and energy to live and open up new avenues. Like pulling a Danjiri float. tj


私 の生まれ育った大阪府岸和田市は、岸和田城を中心とす る城下町です。岸和田と言えば、毎年 9 月の第 3 土・日 曜日をメインに行われ、60 万人もの人が訪れる「だんじり祭」が有名。約 310 年の歴史と伝統を誇り、危険なまでに白 熱する祭りとして知られています。

私 は子供の頃から祭りの笛や太鼓のお囃子、「ソーリャソーリャ」 という威勢のいい掛け声を聞くと何とも言えない高揚感で胸が踊 り、ウズウズしたものです。好きが嵩じて、小学4年から高校 2 年まで、年に一度の晴れ舞台 さながら山車の曳き手として一団に加わるまでとなりました。

時は流れ 1978 年、私は初のパリコレクションを行い、それから 22 年間連続で参加しました。

それらが始まる前の一瞬の静寂、一本の綱を全員で持ち心を一つ に、あとは一斉に同じゴールに向かい疾風の如く駆け抜ける、と いう点で、だんじり祭とファッションショウはとてもよく似てい ると言えます。

この一致団結のパワーは日本独特のもので、また世界に誇れるも のなのです。

私はこれらの経験が、例えば沖縄の花火のデザインや、和太鼓パ フォーマンスグループ「TAO」の衣装デザインを手がける時にも、
日本的でダイナミックな印象を与える事につながっているのだと 思っています。

現在の日本には、西洋文化を取り入れながら、日本独自の文化を おざなりにしてきた現実がありますが、今こそ一つのチームとし
て、「だんじり魂」の心意気で日本の原点に還る事が必要なのでは と感じます。

になり、「コシノさんはすべてがお祭りですね」と感想を下さった 時、改めて自分の生き方の根底に流れるものを認識しました。

「向島。見ているだけでは渡れない」という言葉。 結果はどうあれ、とにかく挑戦してみる。脇見をせず、前を見据

それが新たな道を切り開く、生きる力、エネルギーとなるのです。 だんじりを曳くように———。tj

The complete article is available in Issue #272. Click here to order from Amazon

Written By:

Junko Koshino

Junko Koshino is one of Japan’s most highly acclaimed fashion designers, best known for her wide array of designs. These include her Junko Koshino line, corporate and sports team uniform designs, and musi- cal performance costumes. She has also been involved in cultural exchanges through her fashion design activi- ties in the U.S., China, Vietnam, Cuba, Italy and France. Born in Osaka, Koshino won the prestigious So-en Award while studying in Bunka Fashion College’s design program. She was appointed by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as the 2008 Yokoso! Japan Ambassador (now ‘Visit Japan Ambassador’).


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