Moments in Construction
by H. Suzuki
TJ: What aspects of photography do you like the most and the least?
SUZUKI: The most – it mirrors the creator. The least: it mirrors the creator. What I like the most is it reflects the thoughts of the photographer. On the other hand, what I like the least is it reflects the thoughts of the creator, despite his or her intention.
TJ: Can you tell us about your recent projects?
SUZUKI: The construction sites of the Otemachi Tower in Marunouchi, Tokyo; the Yokohama Kanjyo Kita Line of Metropolitan Expressway Company, and the Tohoku-Jyukan Line of East Japan Railway Company (now called the ‘Ueno-Tokyo line’).
TJ: You had an exhibition of your photos of Grand Central Terminal in New York. What do you like about New York?
SUZUKI: There was good chemistry between the city and the photographs.
TJ: 写真の最も嫌いな点と好きな点を教えてください。
スズキ: 良いところ:作り手の鏡、悪いところ:作り手の鏡。 良いところは写真家の意識が写真に投映されるとこであり、悪いところは意識せず作り手の意識が 写真に投映されてしまうところ
TJ: 最近のプロジェクトについて教えてください。
スズキ: 丸の内大手町タワー建設関連現場、首都高速横浜環状北線建設現場、東北縦貫線建設工事 現場
TJ: グランドセントラルで写真展を開催されたということですが、NY の好きな点を教えてください。
スズキ: 写真の似合う街 tj
The complete article can be found in Issue #274 of the Tokyo Journal. Click here to order from Amazon.