Photographer Hiroyuki Suzuki

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Photographer Hiroyuki Suzuki Photography by H. Suzuki

Photographer Hiroyuki Suzuki

“Tool” for “Needs”

In building the right tools for our needs, the Japanese breathe a soul into their products—even into kitchen knives. The knife slices through the sinewy meat of the red sea bream, the “king of fish,” almost cracking against the hard bones that hold its body together. Like a construction site, the drama of destruction and creation is at the core of the Japanese kitchen. tj


The complete article can be found in Issue #277 of the Tokyo Journal. Click here to order from Amazon.


Written By:

Hiroyuki Suzuki

Producer, Author and Photographer Hiroyuki Suzuki has produced many Junko Koshino Fashion Collections in Paris, Beijing, New York and the opening dinner event of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2008. A Tokyo Journal columnist, he is also the author of Yuki et Maria, which is the sequel to the opera Madam Butterfly, I Am Myself Promise and A Moment. He began his career as a photographer in 2006 and the core concept of his photography is A Moment. He has photographed construction sites around the world including the Metro of Dubai, Tokyo International Airport, the Tokyo Gate Bridge, the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway and the renovation of Tokyo Train Station. His photograph exhibitions have been held in Washington, D.C., Shanghai, Beijing and numerous locations throughout Japan.


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