Where Tradition Meets Modern Taste

  • Written by 
  • Wednesday, 08 May 2013 10:16
(2 votes)

Morita Nenohi is a legendary sake brewer south of Nagoya, Japan. It was established in 1665 by the Moritas, a family best known for the fifteenth head of the family business: Sony co-founder Akio Morita. Nenohi is a dry, well-balanced sake.

Legendary Morita Nenohi Sake

It is made using traditional techniques augumented with modern spirits to produce a satisfying taste for a wide range of people around the world. It can be savored chilled, warm or at room temperature.

Where Tradition Meets Modern Taste

It is made using traditional techniques augumented with modern spirits to produce a satisfying taste for a wide range of people around the world. It can be savored chilled, warm or at room temperature.

酒の醸造 伝統と現代の味の出会い

名古屋市にある盛田の酒造りの歴史は1665 年にまでさかのぼる。ソ ニーの共同創設者 盛田昭夫は、この盛田家の第15 代当主である。ねの ひはバランスの良い辛口タイプ。伝統的製法に現代の息吹きを吹き込み、 世界中の幅広い層に支持される味を追求している。冷でも燗でもそのま までもいける。

The following is Morita’s traditional brewing process for the Nenohimatsu “Super Premium Daiginjo (Fine Rice Sake):
子乃日松『超特撰 大吟醸』の仕込みを紹介しながら、盛田こだわりの造りを紹介します。


1 Yamada Nishiki short-grain rice is polished down to 35% or less.
最高の酒造好適米「山田錦」を丁寧に、精米歩合 35% 以下まで磨き上げます。
2 The rice is rinsed and the quality of the rice and water is checked.
3 The rice is dried using the traditional method of centrifugal force.
4 The rice is steamed in a steamer.
蒸米。甑を用いて米を 蒸上げます。
5 The steamed rice is cooled naturally while steam rises in the brewery.
6 The success of the brew depends on the rice malt. Aspergillus oryzae, a type of mold, is mixed into the steamed rice to help achieve this success.
製麹。造りの命は麹にあります。種麹を つけた蒸米を良く混ぜる、床もみ作業で す。
7 The steamed rice is then kneaded and poured into a box for the better temperature management.
製麹。蒸米をもみほぐし、箱に盛 り入れ温度調整をしやすくする盛 りの作業です。
8 Then comes the brewery process. The rice malt, steamed rice and water are mixed with wood bars. Raw unrefined sake is fermented slowly and finely at a low temperature. It is then refined after about a month.
仕込みの様子。麹と蒸米、水を仕込み、 櫂で撹拌されます。もろみは低温でじっ くり丁寧に醸され、約1 ヵ月のもろみ日 数で搾られます。
9 Pressing: raw unrefined sake is hung in a sake bag.
上槽。もろみが酒袋に入れられて吊るされ ます。
10 Dew from sake bags is collected in a 18-liter bottle.
酒袋から自然に滴りおちる 雫を集め、斗瓶(18L)に 集めます。

The complete article is available in Issue #271. Click here to order from Amazon.

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